Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow

Rejoice with us!
  • We have all been pretty healthy
  • We have had many opportunities to share truth with our friends
  • After a week of very polluted air, the weather is starting to get much better

Please lift us up this week:
  • SP warfare
  • Wisdom in time management
  • More one on one time with friends
  • Ask that our language teachers would be able to see JC’s love through us


It’s only our second week in this country and it seems as if we’ve been here much longer. We’ve gotten over jet lag, adjusted to the different foods, and learned our way around the city.

Here is what a typical week looks like for us:


8:00 am—11:00 am: Language class
12:00—evening: Hang out with friends

Same as Monday, plus TEAm meeting in the evening

Wednesday (Tourism day!):
Morning ‘til afternoon: See some great sites—often with our friends!
4:00 pm—go to the M’s house for some debriefing time and a delicious home cooked meal

Same as Monday, plus babysit for the M’s in the evening so they can have a date night!

Same as Monday

8:00 am—12:00 pm: Time of PR as a group
12:00 pm—evening: Spend time with friends

Sunday (Day of Rest):
10:00 am—12:00 pm: CH at the M’s house
12:00 pm—evening: Rest and rejuvenate for the upcoming week

Father has already been revealing so many things since we’ve arrived in this city, one of which is the significance of PR. As a team, we gather every Saturday morning to PR for various things. Through this simple act of setting aside time to talk to Father, we have seen many PRs answered and grown closer as a body. As part of our 40 days of PR, every day we lift up things that we would like to see Father work in back home. Although we are unable to communicate often with our friends and family in America, we have confidence that Father is working as much there as He is here.

We encourage you to take time this week to read each of our blurbs. Our hope is that it will give you some insight to what Father has been teaching us individually and how it ties into the theme of PR.


We had some great conversations this week with friends and I know that’s because Father has been listening to the PRs of you and our local community. He has given us opportunities to share truth and love with our friend Sharon. Sharon is an incredibly smart girl who loves to talk about anything- it’s been great being able to see how Father directs the conversation from surface level topics to deeper SP things. In the awkward, quiet moments Father draws me to PR and rely on Him for guidance. Please PR for Sharon, she has been around many brothers and sisters so she knows a lot in her head but ask the Father that the Good News would pierce her heart this summer and that we would continue to be links in our friend’s lives.
Shout-outs- I see a bird almost everyday! ;) Liz- I hope the wedding toast went well! Dad- happy father’s day- you are an amazing father and I love how we have been able to grow closer over the years!!

This week Father has really been showing Himself to me through answered PR. I asked that you would PR for conversations with friends last week and since then Maya and I were able to share the whole Good News with a friend and we’ve been able to mention Father at least once in most of our other conversations. Also our city had been very polluted and a couple of us asked Father for blue skies and we woke up to a blue sky the next morning. Things you can PR for are that my friends would begin to wonder where they will go after death and that they would have dreams about Older Brother and Father.
Shout-outs- Dad- Happy early Fathers Day, I love you and I hope you have a great day! Grandpa and Papaw- Happy early Fathers day, I love and miss you! Mom, Jackie, Kelsey, and Rachel I love you and miss you!

PTL! Last week, we asked you to PR that Father would grant us more opportunities to share the Good News with friends and 2 short days after we posted that request, Father did just that. On Friday Heather and I met a girl named Rebecca at English Corner. We went to dinner afterwards and our conversation quickly turned to SP things when she told me that her grandmother had recently passed away and I asked her what she believed about life after death. She reciprocated and asked what my beliefs were and from that simple question, Father allowed me to share all of the Good News with her. That was the first time she had ever heard this news so please PR that her and I would have more opportunities to talk about the satisfaction that can be found in Him and how it’s possible to be sure of where you will spend eternity.  
Shout-outs! Dad, Happy Father’s Day—wish I could be there to celebrate with you! Mom & Rami, I PR that you will have a safe trip to Cali! Love you all!

So first off there are so many reasons to PTL! Our Father has been so gracious to us in our friendships with other students. Most of us, if not all of us, have had the opportunity to get to know our friends on a deeper, more personal level. This has given us the chance to share a little bit more of our personal lives, specifically about what the Good News means to us. I have also been studying a language I didn’t expect to while being overseas: English?! Me and my friend Jon have been getting together a few times for hours at a time to prepare him for his English test this Saturday, where I could miss anywhere from 30%-70% of the questions.. I am so thankful Father has allowed me to make such a great friend.
Dad, happy father’s day!

This past week was more difficult than the last for some of us with combinations of SP attacks and bleak weather for days on end among other things. But in the end Father always uses those times to remind us of Himself, our identities, and why we’re doing what we’re doing. On a happier note, we’ve seen so much PR answered this week- it’s outstanding! Please continue to PR earnestly for our friends, that their hearts would ache for truth and love, and for us, that we’d find our only satisfaction in bringing attention to the Father. Mom, Dad (Happy Father’s Day!), Grandma, I miss you and love you.

This week has been tough so far, but also very good. I have been sick and someone has decided that he will take a jackhammer to the side apartment building as a new hobby of his whenever we try to get rest. No worries though, I’ve found ways to sleep through it surprisingly. On another note, I’ve had the opportunity to share little bits of the good news here and there with our friends; it’s awesome to see Father work. Please ask that Father would continue to work through us as we share His love with them, and ask that our friends would be more open, and that we would abide in Him, and everything we do would be for His glory.
Shout-outs: Happy Father’s Day Dad (You can open that card now!) Love you, and hope you like that card, you’re awesome! Grandma Happy Birthday! Mom I miss and love all you guys! P.S. Jeremy you were right about that card! Haha thanks man!

Well it’s been really busy learning the language, spending time with friends, and playing with the M’s kids (I am typing this entry in an Obi-Wan Kenobi costume) but it’s all been so much fun.  We’ve been able to go a lot deeper in our friendships, which is really exciting and we’re getting more one-on-one opportunities. I am helping one friend study English for and exam and am playing a ton of sports every day. I’m seriously going to be so fit by the end of this summer! I’ve already had some opportunities to begin to share the news and truth with friends, which is exciting to see already and is such an answer to pr. I even had one guy come up to me during one good news conversation just because he overheard us talking and starting asking a ton of questions too. Continue to PR that we will have opportunities to continue sharing the news with friends, make the most of each opportunity, and ask that Father will be working in their hearts.
Shout out to Dad, Happy Father’s Day and thanks for making me try “adventurous” food all these years. Hope your wrist gets better Cody and thanks to everybody who has been lifting us and our friends up, it means a ton!

Thank you for partnering with us in spreading the good news—we definitely recognize that Father is listening to your PRs and using you to make an eternal impact in the lives of our friends