Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Where's the Fruit?

Rejoice with us!
  • We have been able to share the good news with many friends
  • The guys have given some of their friends the Book in their language
  • Of the friends that have already headed home, we got to see all of them one last time
Enjoying some McD's with a friend!
Playing games at a birthday party!

Apparently there is some type of inspection going on in the city, so all of the local fruit vendors (who don’t have permits) have closed up shop for a few days. The fruit that we have been seeing everyday on the street corners is no longer visible. Why are we including this in our update? Well, it has a SP implication as well!

No Fruit...
Despite the enemy’s best efforts in discouraging us from doing the work of our Father, we are confident that the Creator of the universe is mightily at work and bringing about much fruit; whether we can see it or not. At times it can seem like our work here is not producing much of a result. Lately, however, Father has been graciously allowing us to see how He is using us to impact His kingdom (see individual stories below). Last week, the girls’ friends weren’t very eager to talk about the Good News, but this week the girls got to share the Good News with 3 of their friends the day before they had to go home. The guys didn’t realize how much of a JC centered love they have for one another until one of their friends noticed it and mentioned it to someone else. We are all learning that our Creator is always at work, but sometimes we don’t see it until someone else points it out. 

The bus ride to and from class!
Getting haircuts with a friend!

Please lift us up this week:
  • Good health
  • Wise use of time
  • Chances to share truth with our language teachers
  • Continued protection from the enemy
  • Opportunities to serve the Ms
  • Sweet time together as a team

Green beans!

Wow…I stand in awe of how loving our Father is! We had dinner with our friend Sharon the night before she had to leave and some great SP conversations came out of it! During our conversation, I had shared with her that one of my greatest fears is that some of my friends and family will not be in heaven with me one day. She later asked us what we wanted most in life and I said that I wanted to be able to trust Father in all things, especially with my friends and family who have not yet chosen to follow JC because I know He has a perfect plan and that He loves the world. Then she asked, “Does Father love people who aren’t followers of JC?” and from that question, Father allowed me to share with her the Good News and the fact that He loves everyone, even her. That conversation was a good reminder to me that I can trust in Him because He is a loving Father. Please PR for more chances to share truth with friends!
Shout-outs! Ram-hope Cali is treating you well! *Nacho voice* You’re the you!! Mom and dad, love you guys and miss you SOOO much!! SWAT—can’t wait to reunite and hear stories!!

I have a lot to PTL for this week! For the girls, four of our friends went home, and at first we were bummed that we hadn’t gotten to share the good news with them. But we ended up being able to have a meal with three of them right before they left and told the story from beginning to end to two of them and then we got to share how Father is and ties into what we want most in life to our friend. Father has shown us so much this summer and now he’s showing us the fruit we thought wasn’t there. Things you can be in PR for are; our friends as they have a very long trip on a train that they would think about the good news we were able to share with them. Also, that our friends would share what we told them with their families and friends back home.

Shout-outs: Happy early Birthday Lindsay! I hope you have a beautiful day and hopefully I will see you in Mustang! Mom and Dad, Jackie, and Kelsey- I love you and miss you! Eat some Rib Crib for me and Chicken Express and Cheddars! Lol Rachel- Everyone here thinks its crazy that I have a twin but every time they talk about it I start missing you. I can’t wait to see you! Oh and you can eat those things too but I love you and miss you and hope you’re having a great summer!

Oh how our Father likes to spoil us. Just a couple of days ago I was pretty bummed that I might not get to see a couple of our friends before they head out west, but through PR Father granted us a lunch that did not seem likely to happen! Lily texted me to say she could make lunch but she was going to be late, so the girls and I went for a PR walk and lifted up the campus and our lunch. After eating, we walked around the school’s track and Lily asked us some really good questions that led into a full discussion of the good news! It was really hard to leave her and while we walked away my eyes filled with tears at the knowledge that she not only rejected the news I brought but she rejected what our Elder Brother was offering her. But, we PTL because that was the first time she had heard the good news and now she can think it over on her 40 hour journey back home! Please PR for Lily and that she would come into contact with brothers and sisters who can reinforce truth; PR that Father would open her eyes and heart.
Liz- that creeper card was opened at THE perfect time. Thank you so much. Sophia and SwAT- we have been lifting you guys up! I love and miss you all so much can’t wait to swap stories and PR together! Kee-kee ka-kaw! FOCUS people- I can’t believe how much we are using what we learned just a month ago! Taylor- I heard Bey the other day and thought of you =) Amanda, thinking about you...can't wait for the wedding!

This week marks about the halfway point of our time here in East Asia, and though we’re only halfway Father has been so faithful and so incredible. This week I had the chance once again to meet with my friend mentioned in the blog last week; we again talked about the good news and it was amazing how Father worked during that time. I got the chance to ask him the question “what’s your biggest fear?” and his reply was death and what happens afterwards. Through that I was able to tell him truth in what Brother has done for us and because of that I don’t have to fear anymore. At the end of our conversation he told me that he had so many questions about being a cousin that don’t have answers; and that’s the truth, and I told him the place to find the true answers is The Book; this friend of mine leaves to go back home this week, so please PR for him and the he would see truth. Also please PR that the words would stir in his heart and that Father would continue to be at work, and ask that we would continue to see fruit in our group and grow together as a group.
Shout-outs! To CH Family love and miss you guys! And Jeremy my bro this picture is for you, WINNING!  

At this point in the trip I have been dwelling on two thoughts about it being the halfway point. The first is that I can’t wait to be back home (especially after eating some American food today) to see friends and family and share about all the fruit that Father has produced, fruit that we don’t even completely recognize yet. But on the other hand, I know that at this point the end of our trip is going to be approaching faster and faster. Just now I got a text from a friend saying he was on the train home. I was never given the opportunity to say goodbye, but Father has been abundantly gracious to me in that He has given me the ability to trust Him with caring for our friends. After all, He cares for them much more than we do. Yes, the fruit stands have disappeared, and yes, it’s hard to see fruit in my friends’ lives from what I’ve shared, but I have confidence in the power of Father that He is producing fruit everywhere, in my life included.
Mom & Dad, Amanda & Tanner, happy anniversary!

Well this week marks half way and each day has been so packed that it seems like each day could be a week but somehow time is still going really fast. All of my friends have either left for the summer or are leaving very shortly. While it’s hard to say goodbye when there are things they still don’t grasp, it’s also been great to be able to look back at what Father has done in each of the relationships. We were able to grow so close to these guys in so short an amount of time and the amount of truth and news we’ve been able to share is amazing.  It’s been neat to be able to see how each one has either become more open to the truth or had certain realizations. Surprisingly most have been very excited to receive part of the Word in their own language. After one conversation, one of my friends said that he realized that the Book was true (what?!?!) and he couldn’t wait to get his hands on a large chunk of it when all he could get a hold of before was 12 pages of a PDF of an old manuscript.  PR that as they have a long train ride home, they will continue to think on conversations and discover JC for who He is in the Book. Continue to PR that they will have dreams about what they’ve heard and PR that the Word would multiply and reach many people where it’s headed. While it’s sad for our friends to leave, it will be nice to enter a more restful season and I can’t wait to see how Father works in this new time. Shout-out to the DNBC crew as you gear up for Eagle Nest (I think) have fun! Oh and JB and Matthew, one of my friends said I look like Jason Bourne!And Happy Birthday Dad!

The past week could probably best be described as bittersweet. The weather’s been mostly nice, studies are going well, and I’ve had a lot of good times hanging out with friends; that’s the sweet. The bitter has been having to say goodbye to some of those friends as they finish their semester go back home for the summer, but thank Father that He’s blown away my expectations in giving me and everyone else opportunities to develop good friendships and share truth in the midst of it all. Please PR that the SP would work through the truth that was spoken to our friends, and thank Father that they had the chance to hear them! As I look forward to rest of the trip, I don’t really know what to expect, except that Father will be at work, and it will be good. And to hOt and sWaT: we’re lifting you guys up. To Aaron specifically, I know you’ll continue to rise above any adversity.

Enjoying some American food!

Sometimes it takes something like a few fruit stands disappearing for Father to remind us that although we may not always see SP fruit, he is still producing it. It is only by His love and grace that we get to see and enjoy bits and pieces of it.

For now,