Friday, July 19, 2013

It's Not Over 'Til It's Over

We’ve spent the last week and a half out west and we couldn’t have asked for a better time! We have seen and done so much that it’s impossible to fit it all into one update. Here’s a snapshot of our time out west. PTL we made it there and back safely!

Kabob on a leash...

...Kabob on a stick!

A nice home-cooked meal at our friend's house!

Birthday camel ride!

Night market!

The past 10 days have been jam packed with adventure and many eye-opening sights! We spent the first 3 days of our trip visiting a southwestern city where 2 of the girls’ friends showed us around the city every day. Then we traveled to a larger city where we taught English for a few days, reconnected with some friends, and made a few new ones!

During our time out west, Father opened our eyes to see how lost these people are and how they are searching to be made right with Him. While our hope is found in JC, theirs is found in their works and rituals. It's sad to see all of the darkness that exists among them, but we are confident that Father is revealing truth and find peace in the fact that His timing is perfect. 

On Tuesday evening we will board the plane for America, but until then we STILL have a few days left and are excited to see how Father is going to use this time to draw the nations closer to Him.

Please ask Father…
…that we would remain engaged in our last few days here
...that Father would continue to move in our friends' hearts
…that we would have good debriefing time
…for a safe journey back to the land of the free!
…for a smooth transition in going back home

This is…the final countdooown! It’s unreal how quickly time has passed and that our stay here is almost at an end. We’re back from our trip out west, and it was spectacular in terms of the food we got to eat, the sights we got to see, and the people we got to spend time with. From the very beginning when our flight plans got rearranged up until our flight back east our ability to be flexible was challenged, but through that I think our group had a lot of opportunities to grow closer, and we got to experience a lot of cool things that I wasn’t expecting. It was bittersweet though, because though the culture was exciting, the SP atmosphere was so dark, and the reality is that there is very little light shining in that place. Please lift up our remaining time with friends, and also ask that Father would send more workers for the harvest.
Thanks to everyone who supported this trip, whether big or small, I’m so grateful for all of you. Dad, mom, grandma, my CH family, SWaT, Hot, Projectors, 401-ers, and all my friends back home, I’m excited to hear about all that’s happened, and I’m PRing for you. Adios!

This last week or so has been so incredible, it would be so hard to fit it all in one post; while we were there we saw some very beautiful places including a lake that lights up with neon at night and experienced a whole other culture. Not to mention the food was some of the best food I’ve ever had. The memories we made there won’t be forgotten soon, that I know, it has been such a gift to be here this summer! Father has been faithful this summer; He has answered PRs, worked in me and done so many other things. Please ask that in these last few days we would keep our focus on His plan, and that we would have safe travels; its hard to believe we’ll be back in a few days, its been so amazing here, I hope one day I will get the chance to come back, Father willing.
Everyone back home I love you and I’ll see you soon!

Wow, I have no idea how to sum up the last 8 days in 5 sentences and now I’ve already wasted one of them so I’ll have to use a lot of ands and some incorrect semicolons. I had no idea what to expect going where we did but it was incredible and quite the adventure; the scenery and weather were especially a nice change and we got to meet some really fun friends and spend a lot of time doing stuff with them. It was really hard for me to see so many people lost and isolated from the truth and the reality of it really hit me when we visited a giant cemetery and saw people going to a funeral. It was neat to be able to see into the lives of the people group we’ve been focused on all summer though and it really put into perspective the importance of the work we’ve been doing all summer. It’s nice to be back in the city we’ve been in all summer though, as it feels really homey and I can’t wait to see everybody in another week. PR for safe travels and a lot of time and opportunities with friends before we leave. Shoutout to everybody in ABQ, can’t wait to see you guys! And Matthew, I’m pretty sure I had a pot of hot cool-aid and it was delicious. We’re drinking it when I get back. 

Well, just like with what everyone else said, there’s just too much that happened in the last week to iterate in a short update like this one. I’m very excited to be going home in the next few days, but I’ve been reminded over and over again that there is still a harvest here to reap for those next few days! Our trip out west was a ton of fun. Between experiencing the culture, the new friends, and the crazy taxi rides, Father has helped me see just how much deceit (temporarily) is in this world. I am excited to be used by the Father and have been brought so much joy from being united with JC. PR that I and the rest of the team will be able to share as much of His love as we can while we’re STILL here.

Thanks to everyone for your support in helping us get here. FBCT, I’m so excited to share all about the Father’s work with you. Shout out to the family, I’ll see you soon! Jori, I’m really looking forward to seeing you… and I’m hoping that’ll include a green chile double cheeseburger… and fries… ;)
Where has this summer gone? This past week and a half being in different cities was such a great experience for us all! While we were there we were able to do things we didn’t think we were going to be able to do. But seeing the sights and hearing the sounds was hard at times because the darkness was so thick there.  After comin back I know that we have a few more days left here and I can’t wait to see what Father does with these last days! Things you can be PRing for is that there would be light in those dark places and for our friends we were able to share about JC with that they would remember what we shared with them.

Shout-out to the whole Allen Family, I can’t wait to see hopefully all of you in August!!

Wow, Father really surprised us with such an amazing trip; at first, I had no idea what to expect going to a new city during this time where our friends don’t eat, but we were still given opportunities to hang out with friends in their element! As busy as we were, Father reminded me to continuously PR for the lostness of this people- especially as we saw them run to PR during the day and night. It made me so thankful of the freedom we have because of Elder Brother. I am looking forward to coming back home and sharing how Father has continued to open my eyes to His ways.

Shout- outs: 505 I miss you and can’t wait to eat your food again ;) Bri- I see birds everyday! Jori, Michelle, Sophia, Liz, Lisa and Josiah: Thanks for the birthday wishes!

The closer we get to the end of our time here, the longer I want to stay. Saying goodbye to our friends out west was very difficult not knowing if we will ever see them again or if they will ever accept JC. This summer I have been asking Father to break my heart for these people and he has done just that. As some goodbyes were accompanied by many tears, I am reminded that Father loves these people more than I could ever imagine and He desires for them to be a part of His family even more than I do. Please ask that Father would draw our friends to himself and that they would have open hearts to receive and believe the Good News!
Familia, see you guys soon! ;) Anyone who has PRed for us this summer, THANKS!

Eating cake with hotel utensils...a comb, some toothbrushes, and a shower cap!

The next time you hear from us we will be back in the states! Stay tuned for one last update!