Saturday, July 27, 2013

Last Update: We're back!

After a busy few days traveling we have arrived back in New Mexico! Even until the very end of our trip, Father continued to increase our trust in Him as we somehow missed one of our flights and had to spend the night in the Los Angeles airport. One of the things that each of us learned over the past few months is that the Father is sovereign and we can trust in His plans. Needless to say, His plans prevailed in our lives this summer, even in our missed flight. Missing our flight led to us seeing His provisions all the more when a stranger "randomly" offered us a food voucher! It's the seemingly small things like that which cause us to proclaim His excellencies day after day!

We may be back in New Mexico, but that doesn't mean that the place we lived and the people we met this summer are simply a distant memory. Please continue to PR for all of the workers that remain on the field, sharing the good news--that they would continue to persevere in the work that our Father has called them to. Please also continue to lift up our friends--that they would one day surrender their lives to JC. And finally, please PR for East Asia--that Father would be glorified in that place and that those people would one day be known as a people after His own heart. 

A few last notes:

Father has changed each of our lives this summer in different ways and we ask that you would PR that rather than slipping back into old habits, we would continue to let Him shape us and draw us ever closer to Him.

As you can imagine, after living overseas for 2 months, we have many more stories than the ones we shared with you in this blog. We encourage you, if possible, to ask us personally about the experiences we have had, as we would love to share more with you!

Thank you for supporting us this summer through PR, finances, and just by reading our updates each week! We hope that through these things, Father has taught you and challenged you to live in a way that points to JC as He has indeed been doing that in our own lives.

Here are a few more pictures from our trip...

Moving out of our apartment!
Angry bunny face!

Awkward family photo!

                           How did we spend our unexpected night in the airport? Take a look at the video!

Thanks again for journeying with us this summer. Father has used your PRs to impact our lives as well as the lives of many others across the globe. 
